2009 Tabor Lecture, Between Scylla and Charybdis: Ethical Dilemmas of Corporate Counsel in the World of the Holder Memorandum

2009 Tabor Lecture, Between Scylla and Charybdis: Ethical Dilemmas of Corporate Counsel in the World of the Holder Memorandum

In Homer’s Odyssey, the Strait of Messina is beset by two fearsome sea monsters. On one side resides Scylla, a creature with twelve feet and six heads on long, snaky necks, each possessing three rows of razor sharp teeth, who devours whatever comes within her reach. A bowshot away on the other side, resides Charybdis, a creature who drinks down and belches forth the waters of the strait three times a day, creating whirlpools that are fatal to shipping. On his voyage home, Odysseus attempts to sail through the narrow strait, avoiding both the slavering jaws of Scylla and the whirlpools of Charybdis. He is unable to do so successfully.