There is presently a great deal of scholarly debate concerning affirmative action within the legal academy. It is with some trepidation that I attempt to make a contribution to this debate. This is due to an awareness of my own uncertainty regarding the subject. Although I am firmly convinced that affirmative action should be legally permitted, I have no such strong conviction with regard to its moral features. At present, I find myself genuinely puzzled as to whether affirmative action is, in principle, morally obligatory, merely morally permissible, or morally forbidden. I have, however, long harbored a suspicion that there is something wrong with affirmative action as it is currently practiced in the hiring of law faculty. This suspicion has recently crystallized into a more definite form’ which accounts for my willingness to enter the lists on this subject.
Affirmative Action and the New Discrimination: A Reply to Duncan Kennedy
Affirmative Action and the New Discrimination: A Reply to Duncan Kennedy
Recent Publications
- Common Law Liberalism: A New Theory of the Libertarian Society (Oxford University Press, 2024)
- “Diversity and Group Performance,” Encyclopedia of Diversity, Springer, 2024
- “Evading and Aiding: The Moral Case Against Paying Taxes,” with Christopher Freiman and Jessica Flanigan, Extreme Philosophy, ed. Stephen Hetherington, Routledge (2024)
- “Online Sports Betting Giants Place Their Bets Against Growing Rivals”
- “Liberal Tolerance for an Illiberal, Intolerant Age”
Recent News
- Office Hours: Evaluating the True Impact of Seemingly Good Acts
- Business as a Force for Good: MBA Students Support Hurricane Helene Victims Through Ethics Project
- New Editorial Team at Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Advocacy group concerned pay-for-plasma clinics expanding to Ontario will hurt voluntary donations
- Jason Brennan and Hélène Landemore, Debating Democracy (University of Zurich’s UBS Center, 2024)