“When it comes to the Sacklers, the issue, it seems to me, is accepting gifts, rather than the money itself,” agreed Peter Jaworski, an assistant teaching professor of business ethics at Georgetown University. “In giving the gift of money to a reputable and ‘clean’ organization, like a museum, they are hoping to both ‘launder’ the money and also ‘launder’ themselves. When the museum accepts, that plays a role in either effectively cleaning up the reputation of the Sacklers or, as sometimes happens, dirtying up the reputation of the museum.”
Ruthless Capitalists Can’t Donate Their Way Out of Trouble Anymore
Ruthless Capitalists Can’t Donate Their Way Out of Trouble Anymore
Recent Publications
- Common Law Liberalism: A New Theory of the Libertarian Society (Oxford University Press, 2024)
- “Diversity and Group Performance,” Encyclopedia of Diversity, Springer, 2024
- “Evading and Aiding: The Moral Case Against Paying Taxes,” with Christopher Freiman and Jessica Flanigan, Extreme Philosophy, ed. Stephen Hetherington, Routledge (2024)
- “Online Sports Betting Giants Place Their Bets Against Growing Rivals”
- “Liberal Tolerance for an Illiberal, Intolerant Age”
Recent News
- Office Hours: Evaluating the True Impact of Seemingly Good Acts
- Business as a Force for Good: MBA Students Support Hurricane Helene Victims Through Ethics Project
- New Editorial Team at Philosophy and Public Affairs
- Advocacy group concerned pay-for-plasma clinics expanding to Ontario will hurt voluntary donations
- Jason Brennan and Hélène Landemore, Debating Democracy (University of Zurich’s UBS Center, 2024)