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William English

Assistant Professor


William English

Assistant Professor

William (Bill) English is a political economist with scholarly interests in ethics, education, and public policy. He received his Ph.D. in political science from Duke University in 2010 writing on the nature of ethical persuasion and its role in institutional change. Following Duke, Bill taught at Brown University as a post-doctoral research associate with the Political Theory Project working on the philosophy of social science and the biological foundations of human behavior. Then, he spent five years at Harvard University, first as a research fellow and then as the research director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics where he pursued empirical and normative investigations of “institutional corruption.” Currently, he is finishing a book that explores common sources of institutional corruption and strategies for reform. Also, English served as a research associate with the Harvard Initiative for Learning and Teaching, where his research examined new educational technologies, the value of humanistic learning, and questions about civic education and the public role of universities. His work has appeared in a range of scholarly journals, including the American Political Science Review, the Journal of Theoretical Politics, and Business Ethics Quarterly. Bill joined the McDonough School of Business as an assistant professor of strategy, economics, ethics, and public policy in the fall of 2016.

William is a lecturer at GISME’s annual Workshop on Teaching Professional Business Ethics.

Work History

Assistant Professor, Economics, Ethics, and Public Policy
McDonough School of Business
2016 – Present
Research Associate, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics
Harvard University
2015 – 2016
Research Director, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics
Harvard University
2014 – 2015
Lab Fellow, Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics
Harvard University
2011 – 2013
Research Fellow, Harvard Initiative for Learning and Teaching
Harvard University
2013 – 2015
Post-Doctoral Research Associate, Political Theory Project
Brown University
2010 – 2011

Alma Mater

Duke University
Ph.D., Political Science
Duke University
M.A., Political Science
Oxford University (Worcester College)
M.St., Ethics
Duke University
B.S. with Distinction, Economics
Duke University
B.A., Mathematics

